Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Workbox Schedule–updated

We have used a few different schedules since we started our workbox journey 2 years ago and this is my favourite – it works for us! 
work box schedule old  work box schedule old 1
Our first schedule was exactly the way it is described by Sue in the book.  But I found that with lots of pages for the day the kids would turn too many or not see the last cards.  Duckie works best when she can see all she has to do, all on one page.
I found a few sites out there where the schedule was set up for a week. What’s in the Box, Ginger Snap ShotsHomeschool Creations,
I liked What’s in the Box’s bound schedule but office supplies are so expensive here and I thought  I could come up with something cheaper and homemade!  I downloaded her pages but only ended up using the calendar numbers.  Below is  Bunny’s schedule.  Each card turns over when used so it doesn't get lost and I don’t end up with hundreds of cards to sort through (which was driving me nuts Smile). 
Making a schedule book 5
Making a schedule book 8 cards have velcro on front (see camel card) and on back.  Each child choose a sticker set that they wanted as a “reward” on the back of each card.  No lost cards.  I prefer the velcro coins cut in half but ran out and was given free strips of velcro so used that instead.
Making a schedule book 7
Any spare cards go at the back of the folder, as do number cards for the calendar pages.
Here is how I made it – bought a folder ,
Making a schedule book 1
removed the binder bits,  print up and laminate your pages I used a heavy laminate
Making a schedule book 2
hole punch the pages to match the holes in the cover.  I used red dots to mark 4 holes so I would punch in the right spots. 
Making a schedule book 3
Put hinged rings through the holes (for those in Australia I bought mine at Office Works) and you are done Smile
Making a schedule book 4

I also did a single page book for Monkey (photos below) where she matches the numbers on her schedule to the number on the box so her numbers do not turn over, they stay on the box so at the end of school she has an empty page.  I just collect the number off the box and put it back in her folder for the next day.  I also focused on the days of the week rather than the dates for her.
younger schedule book 1younger schedule book 2

Other Web links  that you might like:
Planning a week with workboxes at Heart of Wisdom
I wish I had the room for a set up like this at Sweet Phenomena Smile

1 comment:

  1. I can't believe I've never seen this till now! Thanks so much for linking to my workbox post.

    I really like what you've done with your system, it's pretty ingenious. I never would have thought to do it like that. I'm still fine tuning our system.

    Have a great weekend!
