FIAR - Five In A Row Links

We use both Sonlight and FIAR so which do you choose? (a review of both).

Each link below will take you to a "Master Page" for each volume showing all the books and all the links and things we did as we rowed each book.  I hope you enjoy your FIAR journey as much as we are :)

Before Five in a Row (ages 2-4)

FIAR (ages 4-8)
Volume 1

Volume 2:
Volume 3:
Volume 4:

Beyond FIAR (ages 8-12) 
Each volume will take approximately one semester to complete.
Beyond FIAR Volume 1
Beyond FIAR Volume 2
Beyond  FIAR Volume 3

FIAR Learning - Web Links
Five In a Row Website
FIAR Resources from Homeschool Share
FIAR Forums and Message Boards