Monday, January 31, 2011

try 3 weeks of Sonlight

Would you like to try Sonlight before you buy?

The link below enables you to try a 3 week sample - you could borrow the books from the library and see if it is what you are after. Once you have tried Sonlight you will LOVE it.

3 week trial

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing about our 3-Week Instructor's Guide samples!

    I would just like to point out that one of the major benefits of Sonlight is the complete package deal (which include discounts, an unrivaled guarantee, convenience, support and more!). The Instructor's Guide is one piece of that package. So... while you can certainly try the first three weeks of any Sonlight program for free if you can round up the resources, a major part of what Sonlight does for you is provide those resources as well.

    Thanks again for sharing this [smile].

